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Benny Seymour Week 5 Enduro Workout

Only 5 weeks to go until we see you out at Dargle Farm on June 8+9, ready to take on the 2019 OCRWC #ENDURO.

How is your training coming along? Have you started doing some overnight or cold weather training? You never know what you’ll get when you hit the course – it could be sunny and delightful, or raining and flooded. Either way, here’s your next round of workouts to get ready for race weekend!

 4 rounds
6 x Squats
200 m S/A Sled Row or 12 x Seated Row
8 x OH Sit Ups

4 rounds
20cal Bike/Row
8.8 S/A OH Lunges
12 x TTB

EMOM x 6min
8 x Burpees + 4 x GTS

EMOM X 6min 
1. 18 x TTB
2. 15 x Pushups + 15 x Air Squats

10min warmup (light run/ski/row/mobility)
40min Session

10 x rounds
300m Run
5 x Burpee Box Jump Overs
40m Sled Push (40kg) OR Walking Lunges
30sec Rest

If completed within the 40min:
Max Meters on the Ski or Rower for remaining time

4 x rounds
6 x Dead lifts
6 x Strict Press
40m Strongman Carry

48cal Ski/Row
24 x GTOS

48cal Bike/Row
24 x GTOH

48 x Burpees
24 x Thrusters

3 x rounds
30 x Hollow Rocks
20 x Russian Twists
20 x Hanging Flutters

10min warm-up (light run/ski/row/mobility)
Aim for this session is max effort. Record your first time and try to hold this pace.

200m Ski + 5 Pull Ups

200m Row + 10 Push Ups

20cal Bike* + 15 Air Squats
*Don’t have an assault bike? Do 45sec Hard Resistance or 100m Run or 40m Sled Push

4 Rounds
6 x Bench Press
6 x Pull Ups (Add weight if possible)
6.6 One Knee Kneeling Landmine Rotation

3 Rounds
6.6 Kneeling Landmine S/A Press
6.6. S/A Bent Row
Barbell 21’s Bicep Curls (see notes)

5 Rounds FOR TIME
20cal Ski/Row
20 x Push Ups

100 Banded Tricep Extensions
100 Banded Bicep Curls

Long Run (easy pace)
Beginner – 12km
Intermediate – 15km
Advanced – 20 km 

Tips from Benny to keep in mind:

Please ensure you are working at an intensity that your body can handle and represents your training level. This is about building you up for your race, not breaking you down before it. ALL sessions are scalable and weights should be challenging, but still ensuring correct form.

Hit Benny up via his Instagram page and ask! He’s always open to helping out a fellow fitness or Enduro fanatic.

GTS: Ground to Shoulder
GTOH: Ground to Over Head
OH: Overhead
S/A: Single Arm
TTB: Toes to Bar
Dball: Deadball
Dbell: Dumbell(s)
5.5 style numbering indicates 5 reps per side
3131 tempo or similar indicates: 3 seconds down, 1 second hold, 3 seconds up and 1 second hold

Please ensure to be careful when taking on any training or workout regime. If you feel you are not up to taking on this workout, please give it a miss.
We are not liable for any injuries you may sustain if you choose to take this workout on, it is your choice and your responsibility to take any precautions necessary.

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The OCR World Championships is the first truly independent championship event designed to celebrate the athletes in the burgeoning sport of Obstacle Course Racing.

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