New In-Race Segment Challenges at the 2021 OCR World Championships
Like Strava Segment Challenges? You’ll Love The New In-Race “Primes” at the 2021 OCR World Championships.
If you’ve ever used the activity tracking app Strava, you’ve likely noticed (and tried to rule the leaderboard on) a Strava Segment. These segments highlight a specific feature or portion of a course and allow athletes to compare themselves to others who have completed it.
This year, athletes in the 15K race at the 2021 OCR World Championships will not only have the opportunity to compare themselves to their fellow competitors on specific segments of the course, they’ll be eligible for prizes based on how well they do.
Primes (pronounced ‘preems’ and borrowing from the French term “premium” meaning gift or bonus) are in-race awards. Essentially, it creates a race within a race, specific to certain segments within our 15k Championships. Those who have ever seen the polka dot jersey in the Tour de France know that these Primes are coveted prizes to celebrate athletes’ strengths that go beyond simply reaching the finish line the fastest.
New for 2021, the OCRWC will be awarding three Primes.
The King & Queen of the Mountain
Who can summit Stratton Mountain the fastest? The mountain boasts a total elevation of 3,875 feet (1,181 meters) and the OCRWC will make great use of this pristine terrain. Those that ascend the designated mountain segment the quickest will be crowned the King & Queen of the Mountain.
Inspired by one of the fastest-diving birds in the world, the peregrine falcon, this award is for the fastest descent in a segment of the 15k course. Downhill running has become a staple of our sport requiring strength, control, and bravery. It’s time to reward that.
Fastest Wreck Bag Carry
The Wreck Bag carry is a staple of the OCR World Championships. Now, those who love this feat of strength and endurance amidst a race of technicality and speed can be rewarded by completing it with the fastest time of the day.
How Will Primes Work?
Athletes will be segmented into two categories for Primes: Pro and Age Group (all age groups combined). The Prime segments will be announced prior to the race and clearly marked on the course. There will be a start and finish timing mat so athletes will know exactly where they will be timed.
Awards and prizes will be distributed to the fastest Male and Female athletes in each of these two categories. More information including official rules and segment maps will be released in the coming months!
Primes will be more than just an exciting addition to the 2021 OCR World Championships. Adrian Bijanada, founder of the OCRWC, sees Primes as a way to highlight the unique skills of the exceptional athletes who compete at the OCR World Championships.
“Obstacle course racing requires strengths in so many disciplines for an athlete to make it to the OCR World Championships,” Bijanada said. “Primes shine a spotlight on the diverse and exceptional athletes that make up our OCR community. We’re excited to provide a new way for them to showcase their skills for the world.”
The OCR World Championships offers something for all OCR athletes – from the classic 15K Championship featuring the best of the best, to the 5K Charity Open that provides all the best obstacles in a pressure-free environment.
Don’t miss your chance to race against the world’s best in OCR – register now for the 2021 OCR World Championships, September 23-26, Stratton Mountain Resort, Vermont, USA.