World OCR Rankings – July 2023
We can’t talk about July without mentioned the return of Lindsay Webster (CAN, 2) and Ryan Atkins (CAN, 2). The Canadian power couple of OCR returned to the scene for the Poconos 3k sprint, part of the NA Spartan Champs series. Webster taking first place in a strong and triumphant run, and Atkins taking second in the mens. Both were pipped to the top spot on this months board by Ryan Kempson (USA, 1) and Kris Rugloski (USA, 1) who both raced at Savage this month.
Despite leading the majority of the race, Kempson came second behind Shawn Roberts (USA, 6), in a photo finish, where both athletes sprinted for the finish line in some of the most dramatic final seconds we’ve witnessed in competitive OCR. Kempson’s close second at Savage, plus the first place at Poconos gave him the top spot with a unanimous score of 15. Rugloski, on the other hand took first place at Savage, and second at Poconos. After not leading the race, and running her own pace, she overtook a cohort of female athletes stuck at an obstacle, and went on to claim victory. She topped the leaderboard with 14.50.
Although not placing in the top ten, a huge shout out goes to 18 year old Noah Buscher who ran a strong and steady race at Savage, taking third place after the final rig caused problems for other athletes. Throughout the race he showed he deserved his 3rd place finish, and we have our eyes on him to see what he does next.
European queen Eszter Hortobagyiova (CZE, 5), dropped 4 places to 5th with a strong first place at Spartan Vac, also racing at Vac was Belarusian athlete Artisom Tochka (BLR, 8) in 8th position on the mens board.
British athletes Jason Brunnock (UK, 9), Andrea Berquez (UK, 6), and Josie Lloyd (UK, 8), made their first appearances after a double weekend at Total Warrior and Spartan Midlands. Brunnock taking 3rd at Total warrior, 2nd in the Super, and 3rd in the Sprint. Berquez with a double win at Midlands Super and Total Warrior.
Also at Midlands was Slovakian athlete Jan Vlader (SVK, 5) who had a triple win on the Sprint, Super, and Beast.