Giving Back is in our DNA. Since the inception of the OCRWC, we’ve strived to find opportunities to help improve the communities that have helped make our race what it is. Each year, the OCRWC is committed to donating 2% of top line revenue to charitable partners.
OCRWC is an official partner of 1% for the Planet, an organization whose members donate a minimum of 1% of their revenue every year to protecting the environment, regardless of profitability.
This commitment is based on three simple facts:
OCRWC’s charitable partner for this initiative is POW (Protect Our Winters). Some of the most iconic courses in OCR are ski resorts. Our sport needs to see strong, long winters to keep these resorts thriving.
Additionally, each year the OCRWC donates another 1% of all annual sales directly to a local charity that serves the communities where we host the OCRWC.
Through the years, we’ve partnered with: